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The 6th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics

5–8 October 2019
Washington DC — USA

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The 6th IEEE International Conference on
Data Science and Advanced Analytics

5–8 October 2019
Washington DC — USA

Call for Tutorials

Proposal Due Date: May 10 May 22
Acceptance Notification: May 24

We solicit proposals for tutorials at the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA 2018), related either to the statistical and/or the computer science side of data science.

The tutorial proposal should be no more 5 pages in length (+1 cover sheet), single column, and fonts should be 11pt. Recommended duration of a tutorial is 2 hours.

The lecture/tutorial proposal should include the following:

  • A cover sheet to each copy with the presenter’s name, affiliation, address, email, and phone (not counted in the 5 pages).
  • The proposed lecture/tutorial title.
  • An abstract.
  • Specific goals and objectives, and its main category (statistics/computer science/other).
  • A table of contents and enough detail to provide a sense of both the scope of material to be covered and the depth to which it will be covered.
  • A short description of the intended audience and any prerequisite knowledge for attendees.
  • For each organizer provide name, affiliation, country, email and a short biographical sketch, describing relevant qualifications and experience; identify at least one organizer as the contact person.
  • If (part of) the tutorial material or an earlier version of it has been presented elsewhere, the proposal should indicate those respective events (and dates), and describe how the current proposal differs from the previous editions (if at all).
  • Audio Visual equipment needs for the presentation.

We will consider all proposals for both introductory and advanced tutorials.

Each accepted tutorial will receive one free registration to DSAA 2019.
Presenters will be required to provide comprehensive lecture/tutorial slides one week before the event, which will then be published on the DSAA Web site and thus be made available to conference attendees free of charge. Accepted tutorials will be presented during the main DSAA conference as parallel sessions.

Please email Tutorial Proposals to and to

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